The staff here at, all love beer without a doubt. We admire the brew masters for their creativity and craftsmanship, and we admire the beer aficionados, home brewers, and enthusiast alike. Further, we dig the movement! There are many creative people in the world of beer who share their knowledge on twitter.
Twitter is a great place to hear about the latest trends in beer, and get industry information about your favorite breweries. When you follow the right people on Twitter, you get inside information that helps influence your tastes, beer buying decisions, and even your lifestyle. The more time you spend following breweries, brew masters, and beer enthusiasts, the more you’re ultimately influenced by what they tweet. Since we’ve been spending so much time as of late following and tracking these twitter handles, we wanted to share and tell our readers who we think are influential.
Here are our top picks for 2014:
- Sierra Nevada (@SierraNevada) – Sierra Nevada hit the beer scene with the country’s first mainstream hoppy IPA and they continue to update innovations.
- Victory Brewing (@VictoryBeer) – This lesser known brewery operates out of Philadelphia where they brew beers that are able to pair with the city’s notoriously heavy foods.
- Dogfish Head Brewing (@dogfishbeer) – Dogfish Head makes incredibly accessible and unique brews with an intensely high alcohol content. Keep up on their new brews.
- Magic Hat Brewing (@magichat) – Based in Burlington, Vermont, this brewery looks more like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory than a respectable business, but they crank out unique suds.
- Flying Dog Brewery (@FlyingDog) – These guys are not afraid to hit you over the head with some extreme language and tasty beer.
- The Beer Advocate (@BeerAdvocate) – This publication does not brew beer, but it influences the trends in the industry.
- Harpoon Brewery (@Harpoon_Brewery) – Harpoon has set up breweries all over the country, going tri-coastal with brew houses in Portland, Portsmouth and Hawaii.
- Girls Guide to Beer (@girlsguide2beer) – This twitter handle is attached to the blog of the most vocal female voice for beer.
- Rogue Ales & Spirits (@RogueAles) – Rogue has been serving up some of the most tasty and influential beer on the market out of their Portland, Oregon, brewery.
- Samuel Adams Beer (@SamuelAdamsBeer) – Jim Koch of Samuel Adams began the nationwide microbrew craze that you’ve enjoyed so much.
- Deschutes Brewery (@DeschutesBeer) – Another Portland, Oregon, based brewery that comes up with some of the deepest flavors in beer.
- Julia Herz (@HerzMuses) – Julia is the craft beer program director over at the Brewery Association. She has a lot of influence in the beer industry and plenty of insight.
- Ray Daniels (@Cicerone_Org) – This man has dedicated his life to educating others about beer. The industry grows when he does his job well.
- Sean King (@Homebrewchef) – Sean King is a radio show host and writer that have been spreading the art of home brewing among the masses.
- Adam Nason (@adamnason) – Adam runs a leading beer news website that is considered among beer fans and industry people alike to be the best news site out there.
- Anat Baron (@beerwars) – An allergy to beer almost stopped Anat Baron from enjoying her passion, but this strong woman forged ahead and shares her insights.
- Stone Brewing (@StoneGreg) – The man, the myth, the legend behind Stone brewing. He can be funny and long winded, if you’ve ever read his writing on a Stone bottle.
- Jason Alstrom (@JasonAlstrom) – The co-founder of Beer Advocate shares his personal thoughts on his twitter channel.
- New Brew Thursday (@newbrewthursday) – A few beer geeks got together to produce a podcast about everything beer and have collected a massive following.
- Steven Beaumont (@BeaumontDrinks) – A champion of the Saison, Steve is a brilliant beer writer that isn’t good with computers.
- Brew Public (@BREWPUBLIC) – A man named Angelo takes you through the state of Oregon where plenty of tasty beer is being brewed.
- Lucy the Beer Cook (@lucybeercook) – Lucy has been publishing books about beer making, food pairings and how to enjoy beer for decades. Now she takes to twitter.
- Beer Men TV (@beermentv) – These guys take you on a journey through their home country of Australia, where some strange brewing has been taking place.
- The Denver Wagon (@denverwagon) – Denver and Colorado have long been a hotbed of awesome microbrews. The Wagon takes you to them all.
- The Art of Beer (@TheArtofBeer) – Taylor will send you a beer if you join her twitter feed, a place where she rants and raves about the industry.
- Bruisin’ Ales (@bruisinales) – This account is run by a craft beer retailer who really knows how to use social media to her advantage, at all hours of the day.
- Master Pairings (@masterpairings) – Dr. Bill is literally a doctor in beer and he works for Stone brewing.
- Shiner Beer (@ShinerBeer) – Shiner Bock is tough to find outside of Texas, but they sure do set the trends in the Lone Star State.
- Hooker Brewing (@hookerbeer) – Hooker is a small brewpub in Connecticut that has the beer industry abuzz about their libations.
- Surly Brewing (@surlybrewin) – Surly makes beer in Brooklyn for those you would typically find in Brooklyn – Hipsters.
- New Belgium Brewing (@newbelgium) – New Belgium took America over with Fat Tire, the company continues to crank out delightful suds.
- Peak Organic Brewing (@peakbrewing) – Not everyone can enjoy beer because some are allergic to it, but Peak makes beer for even the most sensitive.
- Olde Main Brewing Co. (@OldeMain) – Olde Main hasn’t hit the mainstream yet, but the cutting edge brewery distributes in Iowa.
- Bridge Port Brew (@bridgeportbrew) – Another Portland, Oregon, entry. The city keeps cranking out innovative beers for the whole country.
- Paper City Brewery (@PBrewery) – A brewery tucked away in Western Massachusetts that produces small batches of intriguing beers.
- Redhook Brewery (@Redhook_Brewery) – Redhook brews out of New England where the long winter nights inspire some deep, dark, flavorful beers.
- Maui Brewing Co. (@MauiBrewingCo) – Maui Brewing actually exports its beer across the Pacific so the mainlanders can enjoy coconut and pineapple infused beer.
- Kona Brewing Company (@KonaBrewingCo) – Kona produces one of Hawaii’s favorite beers that is infused with passion fruit.
- No. Coast Brewing Co (@NoCoastBrewCo) – This brewery is tucked away on the sleepy Northern California coast and produces Old Rasputin; one of the best dark beers in the world.
- Full Sail Brewing (@FullSailBrewing) – Down the river from Portland, Oregon, sits Full Sail, in a town where drinking is legal on the street.
- Great Lakes Brewing Company (@GLBC_Cleveland) – The Midwest came onto the microbrew scene with a vengeance in the form of Great Lakes.
- Bell’s Brewery, Inc. (@BellsBrewery) – Bugs Bunny wouldn’t take a wrong turn in Kalamazoo because that’s where Bells is located. He’d have stayed for a pint.
- Strand Brewing Co. (@StrandBrewingCo) – This high-end, small batch brewery sits on the ocean south of Los Angeles and is creeping into the national scene.
- Smog City Brewing Co. (@SmogCityBeer) – Another product of L.A. This brewery embraces Southern California’s smoggy existence.
- Sun King Brewing (@SunKingBrewing) – The best beer in Indianapolis, Indiana, hands down. The citrus notes in the IPA can’t be found anywhere else.
- Epic Beer (@EpicBeer) – This twitter feed covers the New Zealand beer scene; a country that is on the rise in the industry.
- Coopers Brewery (@coopersbrewery) – Sitting on the Great Australian Bite, Coopers brews old fashioned beers with sediment. It is one of the few standout breweries down under.
- Ben’s Brewing Co. (@bensbrewing) – Ben has been trying to keep the beer drinkers of South Dakota warm with innovative, tasty small-batch brews that are making waves.
- Phoenix Ale Brewery (@PHXAleBrewery) – A disgruntled big-company brewer decided to quit and form Phoenix Ale Brewery with startling wonderful results. Just look for the cactus on the bottle.
- Papago Brewing Co. (@PapagoBrewing) – This small brewery operates out of Scottsdale, Arizona, and features the best orange blossom beer in the world. Take a sip and try not to fall in love with the almond notes.