Our Nylon Mini-Collapsible Umbrella is a highly popular promotional item. The umbrella is very small when collapsed, making it perfect for handbag storage. When pushed out, however, it transforms into a full size umbrella guaranteed to keep people dry when it rains or cool under the hot sun. Although one of the reasons why it is so popular in promotions is because of its small size, the added benefit is that the bottom of the handle can be printed with your company's name or logo, using a four color process.
You would be surprised at how visible this is. When placed inside a bag, most people will put the top of the umbrella inside the bag, meaning that the bottom of the handle sticks out. Alternatively, people may put it around their wrists with the strap, in which case the print on the bottom of the handle is visible once again. There is no printing on the actual dome of the umbrella, as this has shown to compromise the integrity of the material. Additionally, the umbrella comes with a poly bag, which means that the design would be hidden anyway.
If you are presenting your business at an event, this umbrella is a fantastic way to make sure people remember you. Many still opt for pens or key chains, which are useful but significantly less memorable. An umbrella, by contrast, is something that people really need and even actively search for in their home before going out. This means that your brand recognition could be significantly heightened as well.
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